About Us 关于我们

2004 年的五旬节,在上帝的看顾及保守下,成立了诺沃布道所。于此开始在阿德莱德市东区开展华人福音工作。​
布道所开始时是借用救世军诺沃堂聚会,后因救世军要求收回该聚会地点以作他们的事工发展,诺沃布道所只好另寻聚会地点,在 2006 年迁至Kent Town卫斯理联合教堂聚会。
由于聚会人数的增加,诺沃佈道所终在 2010 年年议会中通过议决荣升為堂会,名为澳洲基督教华人卫理公会—圣恩堂。目前圣恩堂的崇拜人数约为 60-80 人之间。成员主要由华人移民组成。​

We are one of the two chinese methodist churches in Adelaide, a member of Chinese Methodist Church in Australia (CMCA)
Norwood Preaching Centre was established in 2004 on the Day of Pentecost. The centre was established in order to develop ministries and spreading the Gospel to the Chinese people in the eastern side of Adelaide.
The first two years the Preaching Centre rented the church venue from Salvation Army Church – Norwood. After this time the Salvation Army needed the venue for their ministries hence Norwood Preaching Centre was relocated to Wesley Uniting Church in 2006. ​
In 2010 the Annual Conference has endorsed that the Norwood Preaching Centre to become Chinese Methodist Church in Australia – Holy Methodist Church. Currently our Church has on average 60 to 80 worshipers each Sunday, comprised mainly of chinese immigrant.​

To be a beacon of Light throughout Adelaide area to enable the Chinese community to see the Good News of Jesus Christ and experience its blessings.

使命宣言Mission Statement

As a family oriented church, we are called to share the good news of Jesus Christ to the HMC community. Through sound biblical teaching and the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we serve the community with love through our ministries.

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